Movement for Everyone
With 100+ classes each week, bespoke programs for every stage of life and specialist development programs, Belle Movement helps you move how you WANT to move.
Belle Movement Classes

Making it easier for you to focus on YOU
Our brand-new purpose-built Belle Crèche at the Belle Movement Umina studio offers peace of mind for parents, allowing you to focus on your workout while your little ones are in good hands. With a team of talented and nurturing nannies, the crèche provides a safe, engaging space for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years with a fully enclosed indoor and outdoor area perfect for free play and organised activities. The crèche is located inside our Umina studio, with access via the side lane entryway. Now available 5 days p/week, our crèche offers flexibility and convenience, making it easier for parents to prioritise their health and wellness.
Primary school children welcome in School Holidays.
Belle Programs & Services